Sunday, November 2, 2008

Assignment 5-1

Video games have been a part of popular culture since the early 70’s. Originally, video games were only available in arcade form found in bar’s and pizza joints. There were a few systems developed in 1960 and 1972, but not many people owned these nor were they aware they existed. In 1975, Atari released a home version of Pong. “The commercial success of Pong led other companies to develop numerous Pong-clones and their own systems, spawning the video game industry” (Wikipedia).

Since 1975, there have been numerous systems and thousands of games created by many different companies. A few of the popular consoles include Playstation 1, 2, and 3 as well as XBOX and XBOX 360. What started out as a simple graphic with simple movements has now become truly realistic environments and full character movement. Video games today are nothing like the games created 20 years ago. Today, video game consoles have transformed into full entertainment boxes. They are now able to play DVD’s, store information, and connect to the internet.

Games such as SOCOM, allow players to enter the world of ongoing war without ever being put into real physical danger. The graphics are so realistic that some people argue they are becoming too realistic. A major uproar of parent’s against video game companies was started soon after the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. Information after the tragic incident lead people to believe that video games were the reason the two teenagers had committed such a horrible act. Both were frequent players of first person shooting games such as Doom. People began to think that these two teenagers blended reality with their video games. Creators of violent video games took a huge hit from the public. After several years went by, the uproar began to calm. There are still many people today that believe violent video games contribute to our own violence in reality.

I personally enjoy video games a lot. In my opinion, they are a way to escape the every day obstacles, stressors, and annoyances. Whether I am trying to defeat the evil dragon boss on level 5 or racing on the track in a 1.2 million dollar race car, video games allow me to take a break from the real world in a sense. When I was younger and had more time to play video games, my favorite was a role playing game called Final Fantasy 7. There were many other people around the world that found this as their favorite as well because it was deemed one of the most played games by Square Enix.


Wikipedia. Video Game. Accessed from the World Wide Web on November 1st, 2008. Website:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Assignment 1-3 Article Analysis

In the article, The Gospel According to Spider-Man, Niall Richardson makes several comparisons between Christianity and Spider-Man the movie released in 2001. The purpose of the article is not to persuade one to watch Spider-Man the movie or to adopt a religion, but to understand the many similarities between Christianity and several characters within Spider-Man the movie. Several aspects of Christianity are featured in Spider-Man the movie, many of which are not obvious to a first time viewer or one who is not well informed on Christianity’s teachings.
The first comparison Richardson makes revolves around a few scenes in the movie that feature Spider-Man, the Green Goblin, and Spider-Man’s Aunt May. In the first scene mention, Spider-Man is captured, physically paralyzed, and forced to listen to the Green Goblin’s ultimatum. “Like Christ, Spider-Man is tempted by a devil (the Green Goblin) who, in one scene, elevates him above the kingdom (New York City) and claims to be able to offer Spider-Man all earthly delights if he will join forces with him” (Richardson 694). The next scene Richardson compares is the scene when Aunt May is at her bedside reciting the Lord’s Prayer. The Green Goblin, in an attempt to frighten all those that Spider-Man is close to, crashes into her bedroom. Aunt May is a deeply religious person and believes the Green Goblin is an incarnation of the Devil. Richardson states that this scene is somewhat odd because it is the only scene that the Green Goblin does not physically harm the individual he is confronting or trying to frighten. Richardson describes that Aunt May “represents the Christian theology of meekness and humility, is contrasted with the Goblin, who seeks power and self-exaltation” (Richardson 694).
The next major comparison revolves around the character traits of the superhero and the villain. In most superhero stories, the superhero’s masculinity is tested, and if successful, is rewarded with a prize usually an object of great desire such as a princess. One example of this theme is Superman. His “princess” is clearly Lois Lane. He is tested with obstacles created by villains that are meant to harm the general population. “Spider-Man, in contrast to the traditional superhero narrative, offers a more complex examination of the superhero metaphor and its relation to Christianity” (Richardson 696). Spider-Man is a bit different from superheroes such as Superman. In the beginning, Spider-Man is not all for the greater good. He is portrayed as selfish and only looking out for himself. This is depicted when he ignores a fleeing criminal, the same criminal that later kills Spider-Man’s uncle. Spider-Man must face great regret and depression because he could have stopped the criminal and therefore save his uncle’s life.
This leads to the next major comparison. Uncle Ben represented an individual with great religious belief, much like his wife. “Ben’s motto—‘‘With great power comes great responsibility’’—summarizes the Biblical motif of Christ, who did not use his power for self-exaltation but for the salvation of mankind” (Richardson 698). The idea that power should be used for the greater good and not for personal gain is one of the main teachings of Christianity. Guilt and shame are also depicted in the film. “Spider-Man’s desire to protect the innocent does not stem from an innate Superman goodness but from his need to atone for the shame of his masculine desires” (Richardson 700). The Green Goblin once again forces Spider-Man to face a dilemma. Green Goblin holds Mary Jane, Spider-Man’s crush, and a school bus of children off of a bridge. Richardson states that Mary Jane represents the desires of the flesh, while the school bus full of children represents the greater good of Christianity. The Green Goblin also quotes the scriptures by saying “suffer the little children,” in an attempt to get the point across to the audience if they have not already understood this comparison. Spider-Man chooses to try and save both which represents the Christian strain between the body and the teachings. “Like Christ, Spider-Man renounces the physical world and all of its pleasures in order to use his body as a vehicle for the expression of Christian ethics” (Richardson 701). In the end, Spider-Man rejects Mary Jane and tells her he can only be here for her and protect her.
In conclusion, Niall Richardson has made several observations and comparisons between Christianity and Spider-Man the movie. In his article, The Gospel According to Spider-Man, these comparisons are explained with several references to scenes in the movie allowing the reader to understand the purpose even if they have not seen the movie or been informed of Christianity. According to Richardson, “Spider-Man is a modern-day morality play addressing the tensions of Christianity: shame for the lustful human flesh, the attempt to translate shame into manageable guilt, and the eventual transcendence of this shamed body through the foregrounding of the Word made flesh” (Richardson 702).


Richardson, Niall. (2004). The Gospel According to Spider-Man. New York:
Blackwell Publishing. Volume 37, issue 4. p. 694 – 703.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Assignment 4-1

Image is everything these days. The craze of being healthy and in shape has become a much bigger part in many people’s lives. It seems as if everyone is striving for that perfect stomach or perfect bicep and many are willing to try new products released on the market to reach these goals. I have chosen weight loss pills as my item for this assignment.
Losing weight the correct way can decrease the likelihood of developing diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease in individuals who are overweight or obese. “Weight loss occurs when an individual is in a state of negative energy balance. When the human body is spending more energy in work and heat than it is gaining from food or other nutritional supplements, it will use stored reserves of fat or muscle” (Wikipedia). In today’s fast paced world, many people have turned to pills and other “unhealthy” ways of losing weight fast.
Weight loss pills generally work by decreasing your appetite as well as speed up your metabolism. While taking the correct dosage, having regular light workout sessions, and a healthy diet, weight loss pills can be an extra healthy little boost. However, many people are becoming dependent of the weight loss pills. Overdosing weight loss pills can cause very severe adverse affects from what they are meant to do. Many people also believe that while taking weight loss pills, they should also take in fewer calories. When taking in fewer calories, the body actually slows down your natural metabolism, making it much more difficult to lose weight.
Weight loss pills can be a healthy boost when used in conjunction with a steady light workout as well as a healthy diet. Individuals have become severely ill due to not following these guidelines and face many difficult problems. My personal opinion on weight loss: “Slow and steady wins the race…and keeps you healthy!”

Wikipedia. Weight Loss. Accessed from the World Wide Web on October 21st, 2008. Website:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Assignment 3-1

In the world we live in today, it seems as if everything is mobile. Television, internet, and tech support are just a few
examples. Cell phones are at the forefront of mobility and new technology is increasing its effectiveness. I personally do
not know a single person that does not own a cell phone. All members of my family, all of my friends and just about everyone
I meet on the street has a cell phone… maybe even 2 cell phones!
Cell phones were once the size of a normal hard line house phone and required you to carry a heavy briefcase that was attached
with a cord. This design was not very practical. New technology was created which soon allowed the cell phone to be much smaller
and did not require the extra luggage. Cell phones were soon capable of sending text messages as well as pictures and video.
Today, there are cell phones that have complete access to the internet and connection speeds are just as fast as a desktop
computer. Many companies are taking advantage of this technology, specifically the companies that offer tech support and “to
your home delivery” and other services. I recently had to call my cable company out to fix a problem I was having. The technician
carried a small PDA device and that was it. I told him my problem and he browsed on his PDA for a bit. He then fixed the problem
and input all of my information into the PDA and said a bill would be mailed to me.
The new technology allowing internet access to cell phones has increased efficiency and connectivity in every person’s life.
People are staying connected like never before. We can only guess what is to come next in the world of cell phones. And one
thing is for sure, I honestly don’t know what I would do without mine.

Wikipedia. Mobile Phone. Accessed from the World Wide Web on October 11th, 2008. Website:

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Assignment 2-1

“Bueller….. Bueller…. Bueller…” You could say that phrase to just about anyone and they would know what movie that quote came from. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off was directed by John Hughes and was soon to become a hit. It stars Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara, and Jeffrey Jones. The film was released by Paramount Pictures on June 11, 1986, exactly one month before I was born. The movie is about Ferris Bueller, a high school senior who has decided to skip school once again. His adventure includes his girlfriend Sloane Peterson and his best friend Cameron Frye.
You may be asking yourself why I have chosen this as my pop culture topic. The answer is simple. Even though the movie was released almost 22 years ago, Ferris Bueller is known just as well as any movie that has come out within the last week. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off first appealed to teenagers back in 1986 because they were able to relate to the movie. The movie still appeals to teenagers today because the film has a presence that allows its audience to really connect to the characters and what they are going through, something not all movies are capable of doing.
I remember when I first saw Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I was about 13 years old and automatically loved it. Over the years, I watched it occasionally with friends. The movie was released to DVD with added features and bonuses several years ago. I bought a copy and still continue to watch it occasionally to this day. My current girlfriend and I watched it about a year ago and she enjoyed it just as much!
Like I said before, the movie was released about 22 years ago but is still well known by all age groups. It has become a timeless classic that can compete with movies that are currently being released in theaters. In my opinion, I think Ferris Bueller’s Day Off will remain popular through the next several years because of its ability to relate to the audience. There is one quote that I will always remember, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Assignment 2-2

For this assignment, I've chosen Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and Hugh Hefner as my 3 icons. Most people know these 3 men and know what they have done, therefore they are iconic in my mind. Bill Gates is the chairman of Microsoft and the third richest person in the world. He is one of the best known entrepreneurs of the personal computer industry. Donald Trump is the chairman and CEO of the Trump Organization and has become quite the celebrity through the years. He has been seen in several magazines as well as had parts in many television commercials along with his own "reality" show. Hugh Hefner is a magazine publisher and best known for his Playboy magazine. He is still the chief creative officer of Playboy Enterprises.

Discussing why I chose these icons and what they mean to me go hand in hand. I chose these 3 men because they represent something bigger than their name or television show. In my mind they represent a person's own desires and what can happen if someone is truly passionate about something. Obviously these 3 men had to work very hard to get where they are today. Hard work has definitely paid off.

These 3 icons are motivation to me. If I work hard and find something I am truly passionate about, life could lead me where I want to be. This goes for anyone who has a dream or desire. There are several other people out there, men and women, that are just as successful as these 3. Honestly, these are just the first 3 that came to mind. Like I said before, they represent more than just a name or company, they represent the will and desire of a human being to strive for what they want in life and to eventually realize that dream.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Assignment 1-4

Iron Man has become a pop culture icon since his debut in 1963. Created by Stan Lee, Iron Man has been through several ups and downs of popularity. “In his premiere, Iron Man was an anti-communist hero, defeating various Vietnamese agents” (Wikipedia). This image of Iron Man was popular in the beginning, but after the Cold War had passed, Stan Lee had to re-focus the character’s motivation and appearance. During this time, other Marvel Comics characters were created such as The Fantastic Four, The Incredible Hulk, and Captain American. Iron Man’s popularity fell during this time and was featured in fewer and fewer comics. Iron Man was finally revamped with a new image and purpose. His originally all grey armor suit was changed to sleek red and golden and Iron Man now focused on the faith of technology advances in the military.
Tony Stark, the man behind the suit, is a rich businessman who was captured by terrorists and was forced to create a robotic suit to save his life. His original creation aided him in his escape but was later destroyed. Stark changed his views on the world and his own life and created a new suit in his multibillion dollar laboratory. With his upgraded suit, Iron Man set out to aid those in trouble in every part of the world.
Iron Man “has been adapted for several animated TV shows, as well as for the 2008 live action film Iron Man where he is played by Robert Downey, Jr.” (Wikipedia). In its opening week, approximately $100.8 million in tickets were sold. This has set a new record in opening sales for Marvel Entertainment. With the release of the movie, Iron Man has certainly become many kids favorite super hero. Action figures, books, bobble heads, lunch boxes, books bags, and many other items have been plastered with Iron Man, much like things were back in 1963. I believe Iron Man is even more popular today than he was when the public was first aware of his existence, and with Halloween fast approaching, I am sure there will be numerous little Iron Men running around.